The Amazing Drama Shooting at the Farnam AQHA World and Adequan® Select World Event

First time out to the AQHA Farnam AQHA World and Adequan® Select World event at the OKC Fairgrounds. The day started out a little rough with me arriving and getting setup to shoot the heading and heeling roping events. I was asked by the director of the Fairgrounds to shoot some shots for them to use at the corporate office. Well… I get setup and a redhaired lady with an attitude came up to me and asked who I was. I explained who I was and why I was there shooting. If you have ever been asked to shoot a rodeo or other event and you aren’t the “Event Photographer” you are not treated very well by the event photographer. She told me I needed to get with the AQHA and get credentials to shoot there and they don’t like poachers. Once again I explained why I was there and she left. A few minutes later a sweet lady with the AQHA came over and talked with me and once again I had to explain who I was and what I was doing. She understood and was very accommodating and sent me the form to fill out to get credentials. Fast forward 30 minutes I have taken a good amount of shots and submitted my form. Next I get asked by another person who I am. Once again a lengthy explanation ensued. Next credentials were granted to me and I had to set everything back up and shoot. Annoying to say the least.

During all this time the event photographer was situated 4 sections over from me at an angle and I was setup directly in front of the chute and was photographing the action coming right at me. At the intermission I looked over and he was gone. Looking to my right strangely he moved 10 seats down from me which I thought was comical. I walked over and shook his hand and introduced myself and explained what I was shooting for the fairgrounds. He proceeded to complain about the direction event photography was going with all these “stupid kids” with iphones taking photos and posting them without permission and taking away from photographers. Totally ridiculous statement to start with. He then…. asked me if I was one of those damn social media scabs. I said well… I am a professional photographer but have a social media presence as well with over 24,000 followers on Instagram. He looked at me like I had three heads and the conversation ended there.

Hands down the worst I have been treated shooting anything EVER. Bad experience but I did get some good shots! ENJOY!!



Playing with Light


2022 PhotoCon