Shooting the USA Freestyle Kayaking National Team Trials

As a former board member of the Oklahoma City Boathouse Foundation has given me a true passion for the Boathouse District in Oklahoma City. It is truly an unlikely place to have an incredible venue like we do. The boathouse is a world class training and competing location and is highly regarded around the world. And yes.. We have it in Oklahoma City.

For over a month I had been talking to the Executive Director of the Boathouse / River Sport discussing me shooting shots of events for them and this was my first time out and it started with an amazing event - The USA Freestyle Kayaking National Team Trials. It was an truly incredible event - fast paced and wonderful people involved. I have never been to an event where all the competitors were actively cheering on their competition and giving hugs and high-fives when they finished their run. It was amazing.

Hopefully I will have the opportunity to shoot events out there again in the near future.


Statues in Bricktown Commission


Street Meet - Tunnels - Downtown OKC