Asked to be a Zoo Volunteer Photographer

I don’t think I have shared with everyone that I was asked to be a volunteer photographer for the Oklahoma City Zoo. If you know me you know that I am a huge animal lover and spend a lot of time at the zoo photographing the amazing animals. Before you get on your soapbox about zoos… yes I know they are places where animals are housed outside of their natural environment but… most don’t know that zoos are also huge advocates for conservation. They have breeding programs and actually help save and populate animal species that the rest of the population tries to kill off from their stupidity. Any zoo that is has the mentality of conservation and helping repopulate at risk species is a member of the AZA (Association of Zoos & Aquariums). Below is straight from their website explaining their mission statement and what they do for animals.

I am excited to be a part of an amazing organization and provide some cool shots for them.

We Are AZA

The Association of Zoos and Aquariums is committed to providing the highest quality member services to advance the zoo and aquarium movement. AZA is also committed to being a global leader in promoting species conservation and animal welfare by leveraging the size, scope, expertise, and public trust of its member institutions.

Through AZA SAFE: Saving Animals From Extinction, AZA will redefine for the public the value of accredited zoos and aquariums and provide more opportunities for people to participate in wildlife conservation.


The Association of Zoos and Aquariums envisions a world where all people respect, value and conserve wildlife and wild places.


The Association of Zoos and Aquariums helps its members and the animals in their care thrive by providing services advancing animal welfare, public engagement and the conservation of wildlife.

Our Promise

We will promote AZA accreditation as the standard of excellence in the zoo and aquarium profession.

We will increase the collective impact of AZA members in animal care, welfare, sustainable population management and the conservation of wildlife.

We will tell powerful stories about the work of AZA-accredited zoos and aquariums.

We will empower zoo and aquarium professionals to be leaders in their field.

We will advance diversity, equity, access and inclusion practices in the profession and integrate these as values into our organizational cultures.



I Got the Shot!! - The Story of the Red Panda and her Baby!


Keaton’s Kindness Foundation: The K Club