Keaton’s Kindness Foundation: The K Club


Below is the original post about the K Club. The event is over and it was a great night but truly an emotional night as well. I’m sure I was prepared but I did it and I am glad I did. See images below.


I’m going to warn you this is a long post and also an emotional one…. As I sit here typing………

If you know me, you know that I have a passion for giving back and being a part of my community. Over the years I have been a part of numerous organizations around the Oklahoma City metro area in either a volunteer or board member capacity. It’s something I truly love and love being a part of. A few months ago I was asked by The K Club executive director if I would consider being a part of their organization as a photographer. It took 2 seconds for me to say absolutely. I had heard of The K Club but didn’t know much about the organization. So after my call with Holly Barron I took some time and did some research about the organization. WOW… I was blown away and so excited to be a part of something amazing like this.. But… In all my years of donating my time I have never been a part of a group that does what The K Club does and for that matter I haven’t been a part of one that is even close. The Keaton’s Kindness Foundation: The K Club is an organization that honors it’s founder, Keaton Barron and does amazing things for childhood cancer.

Tonight Holly and I texted back and forth about her need for a photographer and like I said before I jumped at the opportunity to be a part. Although we have been talking about me being a part for a few months this is the first time I have the opportunity to be at an event and use my photography to give back. I will be shooting the annual benefit auction for the organization at the Aspen Ranch on September 29th and I couldn’t be more excited. Their mission is truly incredible as you will read below. Truly excited but there is a level of emotion that comes along with my first time working with a group surrounding something like childhood cancer. I don’t want to say it’s difficult but it truly carries a level of emotion I have never experienced in my other roles. But once again truly honored to have been asked and looking forward to the event and hopefully more opportunities to be involved on an ongoing basis.

So… below is a lot of information about The K Club and Keaton. Take some time to look it over as it is truly an amazing organization and although I never had the opportunity to meet Keaton I can tell you after reading everything on the K Club website I can tell you he was an amazing kid. Every single one of us has been affected by childhood cancer either from a family member or someone we know. It sucks but all we can do it fight and do what we can to bring attention to it and raise money to find a way to beat it. So.. if you feel moved to help out please reach out to Holly at The K Club and either donate your time or money to this incredible organization.


K CLUB BIBLE VERSE - “Just so, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your heavenly father.” Matthew 5:16

Keaton Lucas Barrón

How does one describe the best person he or she has ever known?  Keaton Lucas was born on March 21, 2010.  He was the sweetest baby - always happy, laid-back, and full of joy. ​

As a toddler, he was an "old soul" who loved Mickey Mouse, the Oklahoma City Thunder, and the OSU Cowboys.  After a few unexplained illnesses, his parents took him to the doctor and heard the words no parent ever wants to hear, "It looks like leukemia."  Keaton was rushed to OU Children's Hospital and began treatment immediately.​

For three and a half years, Keaton battled this disease and successfully finished chemotherapy on December 27, 2015.  However, he relapsed on March 22, 2016, and relapsed again on July 18, 2017.  He fought hard, taking every medication and following every order given by his doctors who worked so hard to try and save him.​

Throughout his five and a half years of chemotherapy, radiation, t-cell therapy and more, Keaton remained positive, agreeable, hilarious, and sweet.  He always put others ahead of himself and fought with grace and courage, never complaining about the countless hospital and clinic visits or missing out on so many life experiences because of his illness.  Keaton was a shining example of what it means to live with kindness, courage, compassion, and care for others every single day.  ​

Keaton passed away at home on May 11, 2018.  He touched many lives, taught others about faith, hope, and never giving up, and leaves a legacy that his family and friends hope to share for years to come.


Keaton Barron was an incredible child.  Despite battling leukemia since the age of two and half, he was always positive, mature, sweet, witty, and kind.  He charmed the nurses with his generosity and intelligence and always thought of others before himself.  Despite years of treatment, Keaton never complained about appointments or hospital stays.​

On January 2, 2018, Keaton, age seven, was in the hospital with the flu. Thankfully, during this stay, his friend Kay Tangner came to visit and declared, “Keaton, we should start a club!”  Keaton agreed, and for the next hour and a half, the two worked diligently to create a kindness club.  They decided to call it “The K Club” since Keaton’s nickname was “K,” and Kay’s name started with a “K.”  Membership fees would be $1 or “whatever a person can afford,” and Keaton decided that the money would be given to charity.  Keaton drew an official logo and chose the K Club mascot, lunchtime, clubhouse, drink, colors, and more. 

Keaton enjoyed planning his new club, and Kay and his parents thought it would be a fun activity for the children being treated at the Jimmy Everest Center and Oklahoma Children's Hospital.  A few days later, Kay made K Club membership cards that included President Keaton’s signature, the K Club mission, and the K Club Bible verse.  A few nurses and family members began to join, and Kay stated her next big goal: 1,000 K Club members! ​

Meanwhile, Keaton was receiving intense treatment in Dallas, and his role as President of the K Club kept him distracted as he chose to pay for a well in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, bought part of a cow through Heifer International, purchased balloons for other patients on his floor in the hospital, provided gift cards for families with patients in the PICU, and provided treats for the nurses.  By May, the K Club had at least one member in all 50 states and several other countries. 

Tragically, Keaton’s treatment was unsuccessful, and he passed away on May 11, 2018, at the age of eight.  His family and friends came together to continue Keaton’s mission of kindness, courage, compassion, and caring.  Within a few months, Keaton’s Kindness Foundation became an official non-profit. ​

Keaton’s Kindness Foundation now works to spread kindness around the world through random acts of kindness with a special emphasis on bringing joy and kindness to pediatric cancer patients and their families.  The K Club hosts monthly Lego parties at Oklahoma Children's Hospital and the OK Kids Korral, assists with funeral costs for children who have passed away from cancer, and provides gifts and treats for children celebrating birthdays, milestones, or who just need some extra encouragement.  ​

The K Club raises funds for local pediatric research and education and has donated over $205,000 to the Children's Health Foundation since 2019.  The K Club also renovated a lounge on the hematology/oncology floor at Oklahoma Children's called "Keaton's Clubhouse," which patients and families can now enjoy. The grand opening to reveal the recently renovated YMCA basketball gym occurred in August 2022 so that the Edmond community can enjoy a new space for the sport Keaton loved.  ​

Keaton’s Kindness Foundation hosts the Keaton Barrón Charity Classic Golf Tournament and the Keaton Barrón Charity Auction in Edmond, Oklahoma, each year.  ​

In Keaton’s short life, he inspired hundreds of people to live with kindness, courage, compassion, and care for others.  His legacy continues to shine through his K Club, and his family and friends are committed to further his mission until no child suffers from cancer and no family loses a precious son or daughter to these awful diseases.  We hope you will JOIN US on Keaton’s mission.

We are excited to carry on Keaton's mission of spreading kindness! 

Keaton’s Kindness Foundation is a 501(c)3, and all donations are tax deductible and greatly appreciated. It is our goal to continue Keaton’s mission of kindness, courage, compassion, and caring while fighting for a cure for pediatric cancer so that no child has to suffer as Keaton did and no family has to lose a precious son or daughter.



Asked to be a Zoo Volunteer Photographer


Third Thursday Bedford PhotoWalk and Light Painting!